A couple of weeks ago, we installed Peter Jordan as our lead pastor of Paseo. We (1) anointed him with four Scripture passages from Paul's letters to Timothy, (2) anointed him with oil, and (3) anointed him with love and prayers.
In a Paseo Sunday gathering a few months ago, while we were worshipping, I went to pray for Peter before he preached, and it was an unusual prayer. I typically pray for the person preaching to be confident in what God has put on their heart to share, that they will be full of joy as they share, etc. But that morning, the prayer that came out of me was that God would honor Peter for being a Spirit-led man, faithful husband, spiritual leader of his children, disciple maker through his work, etc. I went back to my seat, sort of curious about that prayer, and Brandi leaned over and told me that as she was singing, she heard the Lord tell her that Peter would be a good pastor for Paseo, and then she began to list off the things that I had just prayed over Peter.
Over the next few weeks, Brandi and I shared what we had experienced with the leadership team, and there was unity and confirmation. Then before we even announced to the congregation that we were considering Peter, God kept sending us confirmation by multiple people recommending Peter.
It has been great to see how God has led us through this process and provided for our church family.
Father, thank you for leading and providing. Lord Jesus, thank you for your example for us to follow. Holy Spirit, take us deeper. I love you, and I ask in the name of Jesus.