Sunday, September 26, 2021

Salvation Singularity

The sacrifice of animals could not accomplish our salvation:

Hebrews 10:1‭-‬4 TPT
The old system of living under the law presented us with only a faint shadow, a crude outline of the reality of the wonderful blessings to come. Even with its steady stream of sacrifices offered year after year, there still was nothing that could make our hearts perfect before God. For if animal sacrifices could once and for all eliminate sin, they would have ceased to be offered and the worshipers would have clean consciences. Instead, once was not enough so by the repetitive sacrifices year after year, the worshipers were continually reminded of their sins, with their hearts still impure. For what power does the blood of bulls and goats have to remove sin's guilt?

And if humans sacrificed humans, that would be demonic:

Psalms 106:35‭-‬39 TPT
But they mingled themselves with their enemies and learned to copy their works of darkness. They began to serve their gods and bow before their idols. All of this led them away from you and brought about their downfall. They even sacrificed their little children to the demon spirits, shedding the innocent blood of their sons and daughters. These dark practices greatly defiled the land and their own souls, through the murder and bloodshed of their own babies! Their sins made them spiritual adulterers before you.

But God sacrificed his own son to pay the penalty of our sin and cleanse us from our crimson stains:

Hebrews 10:5‭-‬7‭, ‬10‭-‬14 TPT
So when Jesus the Messiah came into the world he said, "Since your ultimate desire was not another animal sacrifice, you have clothed me with a body that I might offer myself instead! Multiple burnt offerings and sin-offerings cannot satisfy your justice. So I said to you, 'God— I will be the One to go and do your will, to fulfill all that is written of me in your Word!' " 
By God's will we have been purified and made holy once and for all through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus, the Messiah! Yet every day priests still serve, ritually offering the same sacrifices again and again—sacrifices that can never take away sin's guilt. But when this Priest had offered the one supreme sacrifice for sin for all time he sat down on a throne at the right hand of God, waiting until all his whispering enemies are subdued and turn into his footstool. And by his one perfect sacrifice he made us perfectly holy and complete for all time!

Heavenly Father, thank you for making Jesus both the Great High Priest and the only perfect and innocent human sacrifice.  Jesus, you are the singularity, and I love you.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Desire for orthopathy

I grew up in a church culture with a strong focus on orthodoxy (correct doctrine/beliefs) and orthopraxy (right practice/behavior).  A few years ago, Randy preached about orthopathy (correct feelings), which was a very helpful introduction to the concept.

As I read the three parables about the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son, I think Jesus is sharing key insights into the heart of the Father, especially the high value of His children and how He feels when they are lost.

I want to embrace the heart of the Father, but I generally consider myself quite immature with respect to my capacity to feel and my emotional intelligence/awareness.

Father, your heart is so good.  I want to be like you.  I want to have a heart like yours.  Jesus, thank you for living a lifestyle that expresses the heart of the Father.  Holy Spirit, please mold my heart to match the Father's heart.  I love you.