Saturday, June 8, 2013

enjoying life


It seems like some of Solomon's statements border on hedonism.  "Eat good food, drink wine, and have some fun, in addition to working hard, because everything is meaningless" (paraphrase)

In spite of his wisdom, I think Solomon's perspective was so skewed because he had allowed his many "wives" to pull him away from the Lord.

Indeed, we should enjoy life, but we should enjoy life in the context of a continuously growing relationship with the Lord.  He is the source of life, abundant life!  I believe this is the meaning that Solomon was missing.  Everything really is meaningless, apart from a growing relationship with the Lord.  But the joy of life lived in the presence of Jesus Christ and for His glory permeates and radiates into the lives of others.

Heavenly Father, you have blessed me in so many ways.  But I want to stay focused on you and growing in my relationship with you.  Lord, I want to submit to you as you mold me in to the image of Christ.  May you be pleased with me, and may I take joy in your redeeming work and continuous love and care.  I love you, and I pray in the name of Jesus.

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