It has been a long week, on the heels of Spring Break. Too many deadlines.
A few days ago, we found out that Jill was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. This is a hard situation. We have been praying for healing, but this is pretty discouraging.
I fully believe that God can heal her, and I fully believe that it is not His desire for to be sick, but I want to fully believe that He will heal her. I'm 0 for 4 on seeing God answer my prayer for healing from cancer for close friends and family.
I believe that we are to pray for His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven, and since there is no sickness or tears in Heaven, then we should pray for that reality to be realized here on earth (consistent with the ministry of Christ).
Considering Job's experience, we have to make sure that we don't blame God for bad things, even though God is ultimately sovereign (admittedly, there is a mystery to His lack of culpability). And we also know not to start pointing blame at people, either, even though sickness in general is a consequence of sin. Jesus bore all of the wrath of God, so I don't think God is punishing people for sin the way He did under the Old Covenant. It seems to me that we live in the New Covenant, the age of Grace. Since we live by grace, we should ask for more grace. You have not because you ask not. Ask and keep on asking, and it will be given to you.
Like the persistent widow, it seems to me that there is an injustice here that should be resolved. Not that Jill is more righteous or deserving than anyone else, but that she is a daughter of the Good Father and sister of the Judge.
By definition, you can't have an answer to a prayer that you never pray. But God is not a slot machine; pay your prayer, and pull the handle to see if you win. I want to believe that He will heal her. I want to pray believing that He WILL heal her.
Heavenly Father, I believe that you are good and that you want good things for your children. I believe that sickness is not good, and that since you don't want it in Heaven, it is appropriate for me to ask you to remove it here. So, please remove the cancer from Jill's body. I love you, and I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, by whose stripes we are healed.