When I was a kid, I was very mean to my brothers. Both of them were really sweet kids, but was really harsh with them. Often I have wished that I could go back in time and be kind to them. So many things that I wish I could take back and do better.
Yesterday, I was sitting on the tractor with Rhett, and I told him that he reminds me of my brother, Jeremy. Then it hit me. The Lord has given me "another chance" to be kind, tender, and compassionate: to my sons.
As I choose to set my mind on the spirit instead of the flesh, I quench anger and allow the Kingdom of God to be manifest through the fruit of the Spirit and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Heavenly Father, I really want 2017 to be a year marked by my patience and tenderness with my boys. Thank you for another chance. Holy Spirit, produce more of your fruit in my life. I love you, and I ask in the name of Jesus.