Friday, January 26, 2007

26 Jan 07

Proverbs 26
Most of this chapter is about fools and lazy people, and their are plenty of warnings against foolish/lazy behavior, but the verse that caught my attention was verse 20.
:20 "Fire goes out for lack of fuel, and quarrels disappear when gossip stops." My connotation of gossip consists of Person B telling Person C something mostly true about Person A, and then Person C tells Person D something else, and then ... So, initially, I was thinking that this verse doesn't apply to me because I don't "gossip." However, if you generalize it to almost telling someone the truth or simply assuming something is true about someone, then it makes a lot of sense in personal application. For instance, I know when I argue with my wife, I assume a lot of things about what she is thinking/feeling that may or (most often) may not be true. In this case, if I would seek the truth (yea, even The Truth) instead of insisting on my interpretations/assumptions in these silly arguments, I believe this proverb would resonate (i.e., quarrels would stop when I stop telling my wife what/how she is thinking/feeling and just LISTEN to her.)

Luke 13
:10-16 I am amazed at how the Pharisees were supposedly the "experts" on God, but totally missed him when he was PHYSICALLY STANDING IN FRONT OF THEM. In these few verses he has compassion towards a crippled lady and heals her on the Sabbath. "The leader in charge of the synagogue was indignant that Jesus healed her on the Sabbath day." What a hypocrite! Micah 6:6-8

Revelation 20-22
Chapter 20 is about the Millennium (thousand year reign). It's kind of weird because Satan is just locked up during that time, but he gets what's coming to him after the Millennium! Woohoo! Satan is going DOWN! Praise Jesus our Victory over Sin and Death! Another stark reality occurs at the end of Chapter 20 with the Final Judgement. Verses 12-13 describe being judged according to deeds, but verse 15 is the binary criteria: If you don't have Faith in Jesus, then your name is NOT written in the Book of Life.

Chapter 21
God hooks us up with a new world. He basically scraps the one we live in right now and plops down a new cubic paradise. I really like verses 22-23:
22 I saw no temple in the city, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are
its temple. 23 And the city has no need of sun or moon, for the glory of God
illuminates the city, and the Lamb is its light.

Chapter 22
Awesome stuff! Whew! I can't wait! This whole crummy wrestling match between good and evil will be finished and we get to bask in the Light of the Son! He is coming soon!

"Amen! Come Lord Jesus!"

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