Wednesday, January 31, 2007

31 Jan 07

Proverbs 31
I see two interesting points in today's reading. First, there are many verses throughout the Bible that discuss the negative consequences of consuming alcohol (tempered by only a few that discuss benefits), but this section is more philosophical/psychological than physical/medical. Summarizing: Kings should not let anything compromise their ability to discern truth. As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I am declared a prophet, priest, and king, so I believe this statement applies to me as well.
Second, there are several verses throughout the Bible about wives, marriage, etc., but this section is perhaps the most detailed profile of a godly woman. Indeed, I have been truly blessed with both of my grandmothers demonstrating these principles, and furthermore, both my mom and my mother-in-law demonstrate this profile as well. I have received many blessings from their godliness. But perhaps the most wonderful and humbling blessing is that my own wife, even though she is young, is already wise beyond her years. Verse 10 says, "Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies." This is especially humbling because I know that I can not find a virtuous and capable wife; it is the Lord who has blessed me with a compassionate, capable, and loving wife. My mother-in-law taught her Proverbs 31:30 a a young girl, and I believe she is living it: "Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not
last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised." As Valentines approaches, I am humbled by her love, and I want so much to praise her as she seeks the Lord, as verse 31 instructs.

Luke 19
In the story of Zacchaeus, Jesus calls him by name (I might be speculating, but I think it is another demonstration of Christ's omniscience). At Zacchaeus's party, he makes a profession of repenting from wicked behavior and turning to righteous behavior. Consequently, Jesus assures him of Salvation. The take home message: repent in Faith, and you will receive Salvation.

At the end of the Parable of the Ten Servants, Jesus makes an engaging statement: "26 “‘Yes,’ the king replied, ‘and to those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away." I think we Americans should take this as a grave warning: we who are, on average, the wealthiest people in the world should be very concerned about the welfare of those less fortunate. I encourage you to seriously consider how you can be a more faithful steward of the resources God has given you.

Some people think that Jesus was just a good man, or even a prophet, but in the story of the Triumphant Entry, Jesus demonstrates His Divinity. First, He demonstrates omniscience by telling His disciples where to go to find a colt, and what to say to get the colt. Second, He accepts Messianic praise from His followers. The Pharisees wanted Jesus to rebuke His followers because He was identifying Himself as the Messiah and God by accepting their praise. Jesus responded by saying that the stones (i.e., His creation) would burst into cheers if the people were silent. Well, quoting the song, "Ain't no rock gonna cry in my place!"

Lord Jesus, thank you for the godly women you have blessed me with, especially my wonderful wife. Jesus, thank you for authoring my Faith and leading me to repentance, and please help me be a diligent steward with the resources you have entrusted to me. Jesus, I praise you for being omniscient and caring about the details of my life. I pray that my life will be a song of praise that glorifies your Holy Name.

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