Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Why I do what I do

I have had conversations recently with several friends about what motivates me to be a workaholic and consistently overcommit my time.  I am a people-pleaser.  I want people to like me.  I want people to think that I am reliable. 

Unfortunately, I don't usually see how, by overcomitting, I am stealing time from my relationship with God and my relationships with my family.  Brandi has already sacrificed a lot for me to invest in my career and professional development.  And I have missed a lot of time with my boys.  I can't keep living this way.

I have to learn to define boundaries.   I really need to sort out what God has called me to do and how to respond in obedience.  Then I would have a clear understanding of what I need to say "no" to so that I can say "yes" to what God wants me to do.

Heavenly Father, please help me know you, listen to you, and obey you.  Lord, please help me care more about pleasing you than people.  I love you, and I pray in the name of Jesus.

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