Sunday, August 21, 2016

sickness and healing

Last Tuesday afternoon, I got a headache, and it progressively got worse, so Brandi took me to the ER last Wednesday evening.  After a spinal tap and MRI, they tentatively diagnosed me with non-bacterial meningitis.  Thursday and Friday, I was on morphine every two hours, so it was pretty bad.  Friday and Saturday, I got the signature red spots on my hands and feet, so they diagnosed me with meningitis caused by Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (very rare).  Fortunately, Brandi had told them that we had traveled to the hill country and had seen a tick (not on me), so they had already started me on doxycycline.  I began showing improvement on Friday.  I was in the hospital five days, checked out Monday afternoon. I have felt better each day.  

Several people prayed for me to be healed in the hospital, and my parents, in-laws, and friends and family all of the world have been praying for my recovery.  While I wasn't miraculously healed instantly out of the hospital bed, I do believe that the Lord is supernaturally healing me more rapidly than the doctors expected.

This illness seems quite random to me.  (If the blood test confirms it, I will be the first case of RMSF that my doctor has ever seen.)  I don't believe that God gave me this illness, but in one way or another, He allowed it.  I am not sure what He is doing with this, but I believe that no pain is wasted.

Rom. 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

On Thursday or Friday, the attending doctor came to check on me, and apparently I was in a lot of pain and was rude to her (though I do not remember).  I wish I was a nice person at the core.

On Monday morning (before being discharged), the attending doctor and an entourage of other doctors and residents came to visit me and were so impressed with my rapid recovery.  Why didn't I tell them that many people were praying for me, and that God was supernaturally accelerating my healing?  I could have given a testimony of the goodness of God, but I missed the opportunity.

Heavenly Father, thank you for taking care of me, and thank you for providing for me.  I believe that you are good, and that you do not desire any bad thing for me, but you do want me to mature through difficulties.  Lord, please change my core person to be gentle and kind, and may I seek to advance your fame in every situation.  Lord, may I be considering how to leverage every opportunity to advance your Kingdom.  I love you, and I pray in the name of Jesus.

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