Monday, June 12, 2017

Jesus will be vindicated

As I was reading Matthew's account of Jesus's crucifixion, I was impressed with the reality that the sign above His head was true: Jesus is King of the Jews.  And while He was publicly disgraced, violently in Jerusalem, I sense that He will ultimately be vindicated and sit in a place of honor (e.g., on a throne) in Jerusalem, the Foundation of Peace.   

Who will sit on His right and left when He is vindicated?  In His death, Jesus had a criminal on His left and right, but on the mount of transfiguration, Jesus was joined by Moses and Elijah.  Was that a preview of Jesus's entourage when He publicly reveals His glory?

Heavenly Father, thank you for the hope of Jesus's vindication.  I want to be prepared for that day.  I want my whole life to be ready for that moment.  Jesus, I want to honor you now as King.  Holy Spirit, please help me line up everything inside my soul and every detail of my life under the reign of Jesus.  I love you, and I pray in the name of Jesus.

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