Friday, August 9, 2013


Reading: Jeremiah

I have been discussing by email some of my recently developed perspectives on church leadership (especially the role of elders) with a Brother I used to ride the bus with in Austin.  I summarize some of my perspective here:

I agree that in many congregations in the US, there is an under-appreciation of spiritual authority and an over-emphasis of individuality and personal liberty.

However, I think the authority of an elder should be built up through consistent, personal investment of time and love such that each follower voluntarily submits to the authority of an elder.  This is in contrast to the authority expected/demanded by an "elder" who is designated as such by title. I think love is the key, not title/office.

Elders are not a board of directors.  I think that is a worldly model.  Christ gave an example of serving through much personal fellowship.  And He washed their feet.

Discipline, then, would be in the context of a deep, personal relationship, and would carry a great deal of weight due to that love, not due to a title or chain of command.

I am continually impressed with Eph 4-5.  I believe that the function of an elder is consistent with the shepherd-teacher role.  And I think the unity described in Eph 4 is accomplished through loving personal and corporate discipleship.  In this way, the elders will "equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ".

Heavenly Father, please help me continue to mature in my understanding of the role of elders in your Body.  Lord, please give me wisdom to know how to serve in your Body, and please help me grow in the practice of shepherding so that one day I will be useful to you as an elder.  I love you, Lord, and I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the Head of the Body.

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