Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Read Scripture and LISTEN

I heard about this cool app called Read Scripture (http://www.readscripture.org/) to read the whole Bible (in mostly chronological order) in a year, and it has supplemental animated videos to help you keep in mind the big picture and the story of Jesus throughout the entire Bible.  So, Brandi and I are going to read the whole Bible again this year.

I am really enjoying the animations and the messianic emphasis, even from the first day.

As I think about this new year, I have heard of people choosing a single word to focus on for the whole year, instead of a list of resolutions.  On the drive back to El Paso yesterday, Brandi and I started listening to Translating God by Shawn Boltz, and he reiterates the importance of focusing on our relationship with God and being a conduit of his love to flow through us.  I think that I made some key steps towards learning to hear God's voice last year, so this year, I want to move beyond just hearing to listening.  So, I am choosing the word LISTEN for this year.  (I think this also means listening to my family, friends, and coworkers.)

We stopped at Wendy's in Carlsbad on the way home last night, and an older gentleman saw me with my family and said, "I am glad to see that you are enjoying being a father."  I believe that he spoke encouragement from the Lord.

Father, thank you for continuing to grow me and growing a closer relationship between us.  I love you, and I look forward to loving you and other people this year.  Jesus, thank you for your example of loving the Father and walking with Him.  Holy Spirit, thank you for your presence and encouragement.  I love you.

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