Monday, August 17, 2015

talking with the Holy Spirit

When I woke up yesterday morning, I vaguely remembered a dream where I was searching for the Holy Spirit.  We were out in relatively open country with scattered brush and a few trees, and I knew that the Holy Spirit was ahead of me, and I was determined to catch up with Him.  I was encouraged by this dream, but I had a sore throat and a headache, and I allowed it to put me in a bad mood.

Yesterday morning, we attended the church gathering with Brandi's parents.  I wasn't singing because my throat was sore.  I noticed a lady sitting a couple of rows ahead of us while everyone else was standing and singing.  I felt impressed that Brandi and I should go pray for her.  I felt an impression that she was sick and we should pray for her for healing.  In my mind, I tried to rationalize and dismiss this impression as something that I was only imagining because she was sitting down.  But I couldn't shake the impression; it felt like conviction of the Holy Spirit.  

I told Brandi that we should go pray for her if they started another song.  Unfortunately, that was the last song.  So, while the pastor was preaching, I tried to dismiss the impulse.  I tried to make an excuse that I had missed the opportunity.  But then I asked the Lord to be patient with me and to give me a chance.  I wanted to take the risk that He was really speaking to me, and I wanted to be obedient to what He was asking me to do.  After communion, the pastor told us that they were going to sing one last song.  I knew that it was my chance.  So, Brandi and I walked around to her, and I told her my name and that I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit during the earlier singing that we were supposed to pray for her for healing.  She immediately started crying and said that she had been asking the Lord for healing.  It was such a confirmation that the Holy Spirit had spoken to me, and I hope that it was an encouragement to her that the Lord heard her prayers and confirmed it through another Believer.  

As I started praying for her, I realized that I wished I had asked her name and if she wanted to tell us to pray for healing for anything in particular.  I didn't really know what to pray for, but I just prayed what was on my heart.  I believe that the Lord heard our prayers and that He is gives grace abundantly, even in our inexperience and immaturity.

In retrospect, I wonder if I should have prayed for her as we did, or if I was supposed to simply declare her healed, as I observe Jesus and the disciples.

Heavenly Father, thank you for patiently looking after me and caring for my soul.  Holy Spirit, thank you for speaking to me yesterday morning, and thank you for giving me the faith to step out in obedience.  Let's do this again; I really enjoyed this experience of hearing you and obeying you, and I want to have a lifestyle of consistently hearing from you and ministering to others.  Lord Jesus, give me boldness to heal in the power of your name.  I love you, and I pray in the name of Jesus.

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