Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Father's love is infinitely dense

There are a lot of things in this world that weigh us down.  This morning, I feel worn out from too much work.  I feel like I am treading water.  I feel like I might sink.

But Father reminded me that buoyancy is a function of the difference in density between the suspended object and the fluid. And He showed me that no matter how weighed down I am with things of this world, the they all have a finite density, but His love is infinitely dense, so buoyancy is guaranteed.

I don't need to struggle in treading if I have buoyancy; I only need to rest and wait for someone to come and rescue me.

It is likely that I feel this way because I have overcommitted myself and have taken on more responsibility than God has directed me.  Sometimes I act like the older brother who burned himself out on too much work.  Of you are joyfully working with the Father, then you can key off of His attitude.

Father, your love has already rescued me from the enemy who comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  Your love has already won the war.  Your love sustains me daily, and when I feel like I can't tread enough to keep my head above water, you remind me that I only need to be still aandnd know that you are God.  You are in control, and you know how much work you want me to handle.  Help me gracefully decommit the responsibilities that you have not guided me to take on. I want to walk in the joy and satisfaction of the work in which you invite me to collaborate. Thank you for your infinite love and grace.  I love you.

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