Thursday, June 12, 2014


As the seasons of life change, the overall optimization is still to glorify God and seek first the Kingdom, but the details of the objective function changes with the seasons in life.  When I was a college student and grad student, I think it was important for me to invest most of my time studying.  I think I assumed that, as an assistant professor, the objective function had not changed that much from grad school.  But now that I have a wife and three boys, I think I am realizing that I am in a different season, and the objective function in this season has a much higher value on tome invested with my family. 

Heavenly Father, I want to honor you in the way that I live my life, and I want my life to be spent in meaningful and impactful ways.  Lord, help me know how to live in this season.  I love you, and I ask in the name of Jesus.

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