Tuesday, December 8, 2009


John 1, Revelation 12

I really don't understand why my son gets fussy in the evenings.  He has no trouble sleeping all day, but for some reason when Brandi and I want to go to bed about 10, he starts getting fussy.  So, I've been asking the Lord to let him sleep.  I don't understand why He wouldn't want that for Brandi, Beau, and me. I was talking to Ken about it this morning, and he told me that he's been there, too, wondering if he was praying with the wrong motives or attitude. 

I know this is egocentric thinking, but maybe the Lord is letting Beau be fussy to make me more compassionate and patient.

Heavenly Father, please soften my heart toward you.  Lord, I love you.  Thank you for blessing me with a wonderful wife and healthy son.  Lord, please help me have the right attitude and not be frustrated with lack of sleep.  Lord, I pray that I will be a good example for my son.  May the Light of your Son shine through me.  I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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