Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ecuador 2014


We drove from El Recreo to Troncal and distributed filters until early afternoon.  The first two homes were elderly people who each lived alone.  I prayed for the Lord to care for them, and then I realized that He is - through the Body.

On the wall in one of the homes: Psalm 23.  The Spanish word for "shepherd" is "pastor".  I pray that I will grow as a shepherd of my family and our congregation.

Afterwards, we went to a thermal springs pool next to a river running through the mountains.   We didn't swim, but I was so impressed with the beauty of God's creation (so much green!) I was also wrestling internally with the fact that we were essentially already taking a break on the first day that we were here.  As a workaholic, I tend to think that my value is proportional to my labor, so I think it was very helpful for the Lord to take time to debunk that myth straight away.  It is His work, and I can accomplish nothing.  I must co-labor with Him.


In the morning, we distributed water filters in the "Cooperativa" (formerly known as "the invasion").  I was reminded again that you don't need stuff to have joy, and you don't have to have much to be hospitable.  If you don't have joy, and you don't show love, then you need Jesus.

The shrimp ceviche that we had for lunch was some of the best ceviche that I have ever tasted.

We drove to Samborondon in the afternoon, and then we went to distribute filters.  This is the first time we have distributed filters in this town, and we are the first team to engage families in the community on behalf of this church.  Quite a privelege.

I had a great conversation with Steve after we retired for the evening.  (The Lord continues to use Steve to make a significant impact on me.)  I asked him about me being a nerd my sense of lack of close friendships; it was very helpful for me to try to verbalize some of what I am thinking/feeling.  We talked about being a husband, father, and church leader.  Steve is one of the most insightful yet humble guys that I know.


Janet, Steve, and I distributed filters all day.  Rocio fulfilled one of her bucket-list requests of the Lord which was to teach English in South America. 

This morning, I saw a little boy who was four years old, but he was the size of Jude.  It made me miss my boys so much, and it made me appreciate the value of good nutrition.

One of the houses was so dirty that I soon found myself wanting to rush the presentation so that we could leave quickly.  The Lord gebtly exposed the condition of my heart by allowing me to realize that He loves that family just as much as any other family, and Jesus would spend genuine time with them.  I need to be willing to step out of my comfort zone to engage people with the love of Christ.

Jose was bold in sharing how our life without God is like contaminated water, but through Jesus, He purifies us.  I thought about how we are like the water jugs - dirty inside and out, but God wants us to have pure Living Water in us and through us.

We had a good conversation with our hostess at dinner (she reminds me of my grandma).  She is so hospitable,  and she has the joy of the Lord.  I don't know if Matthew 10:41 applies or not, but I hope it does.

Another great conversation with Steve this evening.  About parenting.  I want to set an example of righteous living for my children.

Heavenly Father,  thank you for your kindness in allowing me to be here.  Thank you for all of the people who gave so generously so that I could be here.  Thank you for teaching me so many things here.  Lord, please help me listen to you and obey.  I love you, and I pray in the name of Jesus.

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