I am too busy. Don't know why I do it. Ok, part of it is that I want people to like me, and I think that if I tell them, "no", then they won't like me.
But being too busy makes me tired, and I lose track of priorities because I'm in too much of a frenzy running around trying to meet all of the commitments that I have made.
When you are tired and out of focus, you are more likely to make poor choices and hurt the ones you love. It takes a lot of hard work and diligence to build up trust and love, but it only takes 20 seconds to mess it up.
My life is so rich already with the Lord, my wife, boys, and friends. Why do I think I need to cram in so much work? The workaholic culture of my profession believes the lie that your personal value is determined by your professional productivity. I need to internalize the truth that I am loved by my Creator and made in His image, and that is enough.
Heavenly Father, please help me. I really don't know what else to pray. I am tired of being tired. I know that this life is not about comfort. (Most of the saints in the Scriptures had plenty of uncomfortable experiences.) But I am tired of wrestling with being a workaholic. I want deliverance from this. I want to be a spirit-filled man like I used to be. I don't want to be religious. I want to walk in the power of the Spirit. But I feel like I am too far from you. Please redeem my life. Restore the destruction that I have caused. fill me and overflow me with your love. I love you, and I pray in the name of Jesus.
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