Monday, February 2, 2015

smiling Father

Yesterday morning, I woke up before everyone else, and then Beau came downstairs fully dressed.  We sat on the couch together for a little bit and just listened to praise music. A little later, I was sitting at the table, and Beau was looking out the back door.  I could tell that he was about to go outside, and I thought about telling him that he needed to ask for permission to go outside, but instead, I just gave him permission.  As he opened the sliding glass door and walked outside, I was smiling about what a handsome young boy he is and how he really is a good kid.  He turned to close the door, and looked at me smiling at him.  I hope he remembers me smiling at him (not the scowls).

Heavenly Father, please help me smile at my boys.  I want them to know that you smile at them.  I know that you smile at me, too, but I think it is hard for me to see you that way.  I think I tend to see you as more of a rule-giver.  I want to see you as a tender, loving Father.  And I want to emulate you to my children.  I love you, and I pray in the name of Jesus.

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