Saturday, November 19, 2016

Hearing God's voice

On Monday afternoon, I was helping a PhD  student try to find an error in her modeling code that was returning negative chloride concentrations in the RO concentrate.  We had tried to figure this out several times over the previous weeks, so she was frustrated with the program.  I whispered to the Lord, "Please help me figure this out." I had a pen and a note pad, and I suddenly got the idea to try to think about a different way of calculating the concentrate concentrations.  Within about five minutes, we had generalized the algebraic calculation of the concentrate concentration to a multiplicative form instead of a difference form, and that solved the problem.  This was a significant breakthrough for my student to continue moving forward in her research, and I wish I had prayed out loud for her to hear the prayer and see the Lord answer.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your love and goodness.  Holy Spirit, thank you for your faithfulness in speaking to me and helping us solve that coding problem.  Help me be bold in speaking to you for others to observe you.  I want them to see you and your kindness.  I love you, and I pray in the name of Jesus.

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