Saturday, January 2, 2021


My word for 2021 is patience.  I know that has negative connotations for some, but I am actually excited about it.  I know that Holy Spirit wants to grow a good crop of patience in me, so I want to focus on partnering with him in that effort this year.  Also, it occurred to me on a run today that growing in patience will also lead to growth in gentleness.

Also, I created a four-course meal (soup, appetizer, entrĂ©e, and dessert) approach to daily Scripture reading to cover the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs once throughout the year.  Each day has a few verses of Psalms and Proverbs, a brief section from the Gospels, and another from the remainder of the New Testament (history, letters, and prophecy).  In total, it is only slightly more than one page per day, which allows time for reflection and meditation.  I also think there will be a kaleidoscope effect from reading the four passages in parallel.  I am excited about it!

Father, thank you for being a patient father.  I want to be more like you.  Holy Spirit, thank you for the work that you will do in me this year.  Jesus, guide me deeper into your zoe life, and take me to the next level of freedom. I love you.

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