Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Isaiah 56-58

As I was waking up and getting ready this morning, I told the Lord that I didn't know how to fast and I asked Him to teach me.  Then in my devotional reading, I read Isaiah 58 - pretty much a direct answer to my prayer a few minutes earlier.

I think the point is that fasting is about your attitudes and actions 24/7.  Am I seeking the Lord and obeying Him all the time, all week long, every week? Or am I just pretending to seek Him when I am not eating and asking Him for a bunch of stuff and calling that fasting?  I guess the thing that I hadn't connected before is that the significance of fasting is not in the meals that I give up, but in the lifestyle that I live the rest of the week.  If I am truly seeking Him all week long, then He is pleased with my "fasting", and He does hear my prayers.

Heavenly Father, I want to love you more.  Lord, thank you for your Word this morning.  Lord, please mold my character into the mind and attitudes of Christ.  Lord, please bring me to a better practice of fasting.  I ask in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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