Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Confession and repentance


Ezra, Nehemiah, and Daniel all prayed prayers of confession and repentance on behalf of their people, even though, presumably, these guys were relatively "righteous".  I bothers me that Jeremiah was so whiney in his Lamentations; why wasn't he more apologetic and repentant?

This past Sunday, we attended the gathering of the Charles River Church, and pastor Josh began a sermon series on Nehemiah.  He talked about seeing Jesus in the Old Testament, and he pointed out that Jesus, like Nehemiah, wept over the spiritual condition of the people of Jerusalem.  Pastor Josh asked us to pray that God will break our hearts for our city.

To be honest, I would rather not be broken.  I would rather just bump along in my routine and not experience the compassion and pain that God does over my city.  I would rather devote my thoughts and energy to more convenient and entertaining things like television and Facebook.  But the reality is that both El Paso and Boston are cities where many people don't know Jesus, and they live lives of pain and hopelessness without a Savior.  I need to be broken for their brokenness, because that is the heart of Jesus.

Heavenly Father, please forgive me for having a hard American heart.  I confess that my desires are for entertainment and professional success.  Lord, please forgive me, and give me a heart of compassion for my own family, and brokenness for my city.   May the words of my mouth and the attitude of my heart be pleasing in your sight.  I love you, and I pray in the name of Jesus.

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