Friday, July 3, 2015

sweet fellowship

Brandi and I had a couple over for dinner Monday evening.  They are a sweet couple, both relatively new believers.  It was so encouraging to see them growing in their faith, asking clarifying questions, and really pursuing the Lord.  It is such a blessing to be involved in their lives.

We had them over for dinner several months ago, and they gave us a bottle of wine.  This week, they gave us some special bread.  On Tuesday night, I used the wine and the bread that they gave us to serve communion to our home group.  It made me think about how fellowship with other saints, especially new disciples, helps us remember and appreciate Christ's sacrifice.

Heavenly Father, thank you for encouraging us and challenging us to continue growing in our faith and making disciples.  Thank you for your great love for us, and thank you for ministering to us within the Body of Christ.  Holy Spirit, please help me see the importance of spending time making disciples.  I love you, and I pray in the name of Jesus.

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