Tuesday, January 21, 2014


When I was a kid, my dad joked that he had to walk to school uphill, both ways, in the snow.  This morning, on my walk back up the mountain, the wind was blowing down the mountain about 30-40 mph, and it made me think that, much of life, even when things are going well, seems like we are climbing uphill into a headwind.  But the Lord uses this to make us stronger, to build endurance and perseverance.  I think of it like CS Lewis described it in The Great Divorce.  It is the resistance that makes us have to work, and that work builds us into more substantial beings.

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me strength and will to continue climbing the mountain.  Thank you for walking with me throughout the journey.  Lord Jesus, thank you for blazing the trail before me, and for inviting me into your yoke.  Please help me press on today, and every day.  I love you, and I ask in the name of Jesus.

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