Thursday, June 4, 2015

Spiritual Analogies

Since junior high, I think God has spoken to me through spiritual analogies.  But recently, I have been too busy and tired to hear much from the Lord.  Makes me sad.

The last couple of days, we have been visiting with family, and it has been so good for my soul to rest from my work.

Yesterday morning, Brandi and I went for a good walk and had some good prayer time together.
The Lord gave me several spiritual analogies yesterday.

When I am too busy, it is like driving too fast and having a bunch of bugs splatting the windshield.  It doesn't take too long before you can't see where you are going, but that's not going to slow me down!

I am trying to grow in speaking affirmation of beauty over my wife, but she has difficulty receiving it. I think Christ speaks affirmation of beauty over His Bride, the Church, but I think we have difficulty seeing ourselves from His perspective.

I want to have a close relationship with my Heavenly Father.  I regularly give my boys a hug and kiss them on the top of their heads, but I don't feel like I know God that well to hug him and let Him kiss me on the top of the head.

Yesterday morning, I gave the cows two sacks of cake in the muddy cattle pens.  I wasn't wearing mud boots, but I didn't think I needed to because the top layer was crusty and I did OK staying on top as I made my way out into the middle of it.  But I think sin is like that crust-topped muddy cattle pen.  You think you are ok, and then in two quick steps, you've lost both of your shoes, and you are stuck knee deep in soggy poop.

Heavenly Father, thank you for speaking to me through analogies.  Lord, please give me more.  I want to know you, and I want to have good conversation with you.  I want to be faithful to share the analogies that you give me with others.  I love you, and I pray in the name of Jesus.

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