Wednesday, June 2, 2010


2 Chronicles 18

King Ahab of Israel was enticed by 400 false prophets to go to war, instead of listening to a single true prophet of Yahweh.  It is easy to listen to evil temptations when your heart desires them.  I find it difficult to be aware of the attitude of your heart.

Similarly, but sort of the opposite case, as I was walking to my building this morning, I was suddenly aware that I had walked up on a slithering snake.  I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings, and I suddenly realized how I need to practice being consciously aware of what is going on around me - both physically and spiritually.

Heavenly Father, please deliver me from the wicked desires of my heart and the subtle traps that the Enemy sets out around me.  Lord, may I live in victory in the person and work of Jesus Christ!  Holy Spirit, please give me discernment to recognize good and evil spirits, and please purify my heart and make my heart's desire to know Christ and to make Him known.  I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, my only hope.  Amen.

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