Monday, July 7, 2008

practice what you teach

Isaiah 22:1-23:18; 2 Kings 18:7-8; Micah 1:8-3:12

Yesterday morning I taught in our young married Bible study on the book of Habakkuk about how we need to trust God when life seems unfair.  Pastor preached on Romans 12:1-2 about being a living sacrifice and what it means to worship God with your life.

About 2:00am this morning, our dog woke us up whining because he had to go outside to do his business.  It is amazing how easily frustrated I am, especially when it involves sleep deprival.  As I was standing there outside with my dog, I was about to get angry, but I remembered the subject matter of Sunday's studies, and I prayed silently to God, "God, I will glorify you in all circumstances because you are worthy of praise regardless of how I feel."

It took me a while to go back to sleep, and then when the alarm sounded, I certainly did not feel good.  So, I went about my morning preparations in a melancholy state.  As it was about time for me to depart, I realized that I could allow these simple things to annoy me and lead me to a bad attitude and evil actions, or I could consciously choose to serve the Lord with a glad heart.

It is my desire to demonstrate love and compassion, even when I feel mistreated or hurt.

Heavenly Father, I pray that you will give me your agape love that is supernatural and independent of my emotional or mental state.  Father, I want to show your love and compassion with a genuine heart even when I don't feel like it.  Please humble me and lead me away from pride.  I ask that I would honor you today, and I ask in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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