Wednesday, November 19, 2008

the poor

Galatians 1:1-4:7

As Paul and Peter were leaving to go preach the Gospel to the Gentiles and the Jews, respectively,

2:10 All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.

I think many churches today have lost this perspective.  Our pastor said it this past Sunday morning, "Social programs from the government would cease to exist if the Church would do what we were supposed to be doing."  (i.e., helping orphans, widows, and foreigners)

What proportion of the average evangelical church budget is spent on helping the poor?  Tragically, I think many churches have shifted to an inward focus instead of a Great Commission focus, which necessarily involves getting outside your comfort zone.  Truth is, I don't do much in the way of helping the poor.

Heavenly Father, your heart is full of love for humanity.  You are moved with compassion towards all of the people that are poor and hurting.  Lord, will you please fill me with your love and compassion, and will you please use me to give physical and spiritual aid to the orphan, widow, and foreigner?  I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, who cares for the hurting.  Amen.

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