Thursday, August 26, 2010

finite perfection

Psalm 119:89-176

 148 I stay awake through the night,
      thinking about your promise.

OK, honestly, I wasn't thinking about His promise.  I was thinking about why He wouldn't let my son just GO TO SLEEP!

This one is pretty sweet:

 96 Even perfection has its limits,
      but your commands have no limit.

As I thought about it, the perfection of any finite thing is finite.  That is, theoretically, perfection of any finite thing could eventually be accomplished.  I used to describe God's holiness by saying that "God is completely perfect".  However, "perfection has its limits", but the holiness of God is apparently infinite. 

How is it that we can spend FOREVER in ETERNITY worshiping Him and celebrating all of His amazing attributes (holiness, goodness, kindness, love, etc.)?  How can a two-dimensional object ever enjoy all of a three-dimensional space?  I think we will be perpetually swimming in the sustained, peaceful joy of His radiant Light.

Heavenly Father, please purify me and draw me into you.  Lord, may I gain more of you today, and may you gain more of me.  Lord, I can't do everything that is expected of me, and certainly not everything that is asked of me.  Please give me wisdom to know how to follow you, and may I keep in step with your Spirit.  Lord Jesus, I pray that you will be the Goal and the Prize that I pursue, and I pray that you will be the Way for me.  I love you, and I need you.  Please use my life for your glory and honor.  I ask in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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