Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Ecclesiastes 10-12, Romans 8

As I have been reading through Romans, I have realized a few principles.  First, it seems to me like Romans 4 indicates that Abraham was justified prior to circumcision.  So, if baptism is the New Covenant replacement of circumcision, then perhaps baptism is not necessary for justification.  Also, taking the example of the life of Christ Jesus, His baptism was the initiation of His public ministry.  Perhaps baptism is the commissioning of each Believer as an ambassador of Christ.

Furthermore, Romans 6 indicates that, through baptism, we are united with Christ's death.  Consequently, Romans 6 and 7 explain that by our unity with Christ, we have died to sin and the law, respectively.

I have also been reading a book about "mindfulness" and meditation, written by a Buddhist.  It is very interesting, and the author has pointed out several truths, especially the selfishness and egotism of our human nature.  From what I understand, the basic concept of "mindfulness" is to be aware of our motives and feelings, both in meditation, and as we act and react throughout each day.  Unfortunately, I don't think a person can actually do that completely; I think we need the Holy Spirit to sanctify our conscience so that we can see the true spiritual reality.  But I do agree that we must actively work to set our minds on the Spirit so that the Lord will grow the character and mind of Christ in us.

Rom 8:5 Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. 6 So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.

Heavenly Father, please teach me to set my mind on the Spirit so that I may experience the Life and Peace of Christ.  Lord, please train my thinking to be spiritual instead of carnal.  Lord, please transform my mind so that I view the world through your eternal love, will, and plan.  Father, please show me the next step of your plan for me in my life so that I will be efficiently cooperating with you for your glory and my enjoyment.  I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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