Monday, January 16, 2012


Matthew 8:23-34

Jesus was in the boat sleeping, and a bad storm blew in, and the disciples thought they were all going to die.  They woke up Jesus, and he calmed the storm.

I think most of my storms are brought on by me.  Sometimes I think about the millions of children around the world with no clean water, no food, no family, no medicine, no school, no political stability... now that's a storm!  I am thankful that God has allowed me all of these things, but I know that I will be held responsible for what I have been given.  Unfortunately, in the absence of a "real" storm, I guess human nature is to make self-imposed storms. 

My work is so crazy these days.  Too many deadlines and obligations.  But I either agreed to or signed myself up for almost all of it.  I know in my head that Jesus does care, but sometimes I feel like He doesn't.

What would have happened if the disciples had let Jesus stay asleep?  Would they have been rowing/sailing furiously for hours with little to no forward progress?  Maybe I need to wake up Jesus and get Him to calm down my life.  Then again, I overbooked myself, so maybe Jesus wants me to learn my lesson so that I don't do it again.  I don't want to use Jesus as a "get me out of this jam I'm in" card, but maybe He would settle down my life if I would let Him. 

I realize that comfort is not the main objective of Jesus or me; sometimes He lets us go through storms so that we learn to trust Him, and He grows our character.  He is not necessarily going to calm every storm.  But He does want us to turn over everything to Him so that we can trust that He is in control and that He is with us.  It is the awareness of His presence that gives us boldness and power to conquer fear.

I guess that is the real issue - fear.  The issue is not whether we are in a storm or not, uncomfortable or comfortable.  The issue is whether or not we trust in God's promise to love us, be with us, and grow us to be like Jesus.  If I fear anything (other than God), then my faith needs some growth.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your consistent love and patience with me.  It seems like it takes me so long to learn spiritual lessons.  Please help me grow, and help me to not be a whiner.  Lord, thank you for clean water, plenty of safe food, a loving family, plenty of school, and a relatively stable government.  Please use me to bless others and show others how wonderful you are, because you are fundamentally good in your character (not because you have allowed me to experience the comforts of all of these things).  Lord, please bring peace and rest to my life; I have brought a lot of anxiousness and unrest.  I am not necessarily asking you to take me out of the storms that I've gotten myself into, but I want to focus on you and know that you are with me.  I want to walk with you.  I love you, Lord.  Thank you for your promises.  I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.

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