Friday, January 27, 2012


Matthew 14:1-21

On Tuesday evening, I had to pack my bag for my trip to a research conference in Las Vegas.  I told Beau, "Well, I guess I need to go upstairs and pack my bag."  Beau started climbing the stairs saying, "Pack my bag?  Pack my bag?"  I felt like I was the worst dad in the world.

Yesterday morning, as I was getting ready to attend the conference, I was so nervous and anxious.  I was presenting in a session with three well-known, well-established researchers in my field.  I was nervous about how my presentation would compare to theirs.  I sang the praise song, "You are my all in all" as I got ready.  The line, "You are my strength when I am weak," was very encouraging to me.  I confessed how weak I am, and I prayed that the Lord would give me peace.

This morning, as I was getting dressed, I was not anxious or worried at all, and I was excited about a potential research collaboration that was discussed at over dinner last night.  I realized how weak I am that my feelings are so fickle.  The line, "You are my strength when I am weak," takes on a slightly deeper meaning.

Heavenly Father, I am so weak.  Please help me be a good husband, father, and professional.  Please help me base my security on your love, which is eternal and constant.  I love you, Lord.  I am nothing without you.  Please help me stay connected to the vine.  I ask in the name of Jesus Christ.

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