Monday, July 5, 2010

fear of the Lord

Job 30-31

I am glad that I am reading Job right now.  It helps me keep in good perspective the magnitude of finishing this dissertation.  When I feel so overwhelmed with this dissertation/graduation stuff, I am reminded how much Job suffered.  More than that, I am reminded how much Christ suffered on the Cross.  This trial is small beans compared to that.

Job listed out a bunch of bad things that he would never do (like neglecting the poor, the widow, or the fatherless), and then he explained why he would never do those things:

 23 For I dreaded destruction from God,
       and for fear of his splendor I could not do such things.

If only I had that kind of fear - fear of His mighty justice.  I think I would better appreciate the suffering of Christ in bearing the weight of sin on the Cross.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your mercy shown by Christ's sacrifice.  Lord, thank you for saving me from sin and death and for continuing to make me holy and give me Life.  I love you, Lord.  I want to know you and walk with you.  I want to serve you and honor you.  I care more about pleasing you than pleasing people.  I long to spend eternity with you.  I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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