Wednesday, July 7, 2010

sustaining grace

Job 34-35

Monday was one of the most anxious days of my life. I had been rushing to
get a mathematical model to work for three days, and the reality that it
simply wasn't going to happen finally set in. I was so worried about what
would happen. What if the committee didn't pass me?

Yesterday morning, I realized that so much of my frustration and fear
is self-inflicted. At some level, I think I am guilty of pride in
wanting to show off to the committee "Look what I did." Instead, the
Lord is using this situation to humble me and help me realize that He
has led me here, and He will carry me on. My progress/success is not
based on how clever I am, but on how faithful God is in spite of my
weakness and ignorance.

34:14 If God were to take back his spirit
and withdraw his breath,
15 all life would cease,
and humanity would turn again to dust.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your sustaining grace. I pray that I
will humbly follow you. Please deliver me from pride and worldliness.
May I work for you and not for me. May my love for you and the joy
of Life in Christ be apparent to others, especially during pressing
circumstances. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, who knows real
Suffering. Amen.

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