Thursday, January 6, 2011

slow it down

Matthew 3:13-17

I figured out a plan to read the whole New Testament in one year.  If I have counted and added correctly, then you can read "half" of a chapter each day through the 89 chapters of the Gospels (which will take 178 days, almost half of a year), one chapter per day through the 28 chapters of Acts, half of a chapter each day through the 16 chapters of Romans, and then one chapter per day from 1 Corinthians through Revelation for a total of 365 days of reading.

The reason I want to do this reading plan is so that I can slow down to really study the Scriptures, not just read through them.  I plan to read through Witness Lee's commentary on the New Testament as I go along.

Here is one comment from Witness Lee that I found especially encouraging (his fourth note on Matthew 1:17):

"Luke's record begins with Jesus and traces back to God.  Matthew's record proceeds from Abraham to Christ.  Luke goes back and up to God; Matthew comes forward and down to Christ.  All the generations were directed to Christ and brought in Christ.  Christ is the goal, the consummation, the conclusion, the completion, and the perfection of all the generations; as such, He fulfills their prophecies, solves their problems, and meets their needs.  When Christ comes, light, life, salvation, satisfaction, healing, freedom, rest, comfort, peace, and joy all come with Him.  From this point on, the whole New Testament is a full expounding of this wonderful Christ, who is everything to us.  Hallelujah, Christ has come!"

Heavenly Father, thank you for Christ.  Thank you for arranging His ancestors and showing us that Christ brings salvation to the whole world.  Thank you for showing that by faith, I can come to you, and you will clean me up and use me for your purposes.  Lord, I want to be used by you.  Please help me stay focused on you and your kingdom.  I ask in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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