Tuesday, January 25, 2011

soil and seed

Matthew 13:1-30

We discussed this parable of the four soil types this past Thursday in our homegroup meeting.  Steve led the discussion and helped me see the importance of applying/sharing the Word.  Jesus explained that the Word was scattered on various soils, and no fruit was produced in three of them, but a huge multiplication was produced in the fertile soil.  Then Jesus said that if you listen and understand, then you will be given more understanding.  But if you don't, then what little you have will be taken from you.  It seems to me that we are certainly supposed to digest His Word and allow Him to grow it in our hearts, but we must also share His Word with others.  I need to be more faithful about sharing God's principles with other people.

Heavenly Father, please help me be fertile soil.  Lord, please dig up the rocks and weeds that are in my heart that prevent your life from growing and producing fruit in me.  Lord, please help me share your powerful, living Word with others so that they may know you and experience the joy of your life.  I ask in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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