Friday, January 27, 2017

Another kind of healing

Chronologically, up to this point, Jesus has healed and taught.  And as His ministry grew, so did his crowds.  Even the religious began to take notice.  And then Jesus did something really provocative. (Mark 2:1-12) When the four friends lowered the paralytic down through the roof, Jesus didn't immediately deal with the man's physical condition; rather, Jesus forgave the man's sins. 

I think I have tended to think of this situation as Jesus goading the religious, but Reef helped me realize that Jesus was always genuine to His mission and obedient to His Father in every situation.  Considering this from the paralytic's perspective, perhaps in a culture that blamed people's chronic illnesses or disabilities on their parents' sin or their own sin, maybe that man truly needed to hear from Jesus that his sons were forgiven before the healing of his body would be spiritually profitable for him.  Jesus had compassion on every person He healed, and I think His desire was that in every instance, people would see the love of the Father and turn to Him in faith and devotion.  I think this is important for me to keep in mind as I follow Christ's example in healing people: God cares about your spiritual condition just as much as your physical condition.  

This past Sunday, Greg preached on Luke 4:16-30, which I had studied that morning.  Greg pointed out how Jesus was taking His Gospel to the outcasts, and that burned the religious.  It challenged me to consider how I focus so much attention on what "important" people think of me, but the important people to God are the least of these.  This morning, I read about Jesus hanging out at Matthew's house party, and the religious scoffed at Jesus associating with bad characters.  And Jesus responded:

Matthew 9:12-13
... "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.  But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Heavenly Father, may I look past the surface level of what is seen to what is unseen.  Help me see the spiritual and eternal things around me, and may I be attentive to help the least of these experience your healing and redemption.  Use me to lead people to the Fountain of forgiveness and spiritual healing.  Jesus, thank you for your example.  Holy Spirit, may I keep my mind set on you and keep in step with you.  I love you, and I ask in the name of Jesus.

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