Thursday, June 26, 2008


God's identity from 3:13 - "Lord, the LORD God Almighty"  is Adonay Yahweh Elohiym Tsebaah which means "Master of everything, Self-Existent and Eternal One, God Omnipotent, Chief of the armies of Heaven."
In case you don't understand Who He Is:
4:13 He who forms the mountains,
       creates the wind,
       and reveals his thoughts to man,
       he who turns dawn to darkness,
       and treads the high places of the earth—
       the LORD God Almighty is his name.
Here is a snapshot of how we are to respond to Him:
 5:13 Therefore the prudent man keeps quiet in such times,
       for the times are evil.
 14 Seek good, not evil,
       that you may live.
       Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you,
       just as you say he is.
 15 Hate evil, love good;
       maintain justice in the courts.
       Perhaps the LORD God Almighty will have mercy
       on the remnant of Joseph.
The Lord spoke judgement to the Israelites through the prophet Amos, and he identified the attitude of the people that characterized the turning point between following Him and turning away from Him:
 6:1 Woe to you who are complacent in Zion,
       and to you who feel secure on Mount Samaria,
       you notable men of the foremost nation,
       to whom the people of Israel come!
So, I ask the question: What is the opposite of complacency?
Heavenly Father, I praise you that you are the Master of everything, you are the definition of existence, you are the one true God, you are in charge of every spiritual conflict.  You created this universe, and you desire for me to love good and hate evil.  Dear Father, please reveal yourself to me and express yourself through me.  I pray that I will never become complacent regarding your love; may I always desire to demonstrate my gratitude for the grace I have been given.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


  1. The word "complacent" in Hebrew means "at ease, careless, wanton, arrogant."
    So the opposite of complacency is found in I Timothy 3; and I Peter 5:5-10.

  2. So you are saying, "service with an attitude of humility."


  3. Yes, that is part of my answer. Not only is it a service with an attitude of humility; but it is a lifestyle of being alert and cautious about our actions because they stem from Spiritual Warfare. This is pictured best in II Corinthians 10:3-7.
