Friday, June 27, 2008

judgement and restoration

God's standard of holiness is perfection itself.  He holds us to that plumb line, as He illustrates to Amos.  Our deviation from His perfection is called sin.  The consequence of that sin is judgement, and in particular, death.  But God is love.  He loves us.  As in the Old Testament so it is in the New, He promises restoration to humble, repentant hearts.  What we see in the New Testament is the full revelation that the sin debt (death penalty) of any person may be payed by the shed blood of the innocent Jesus Christ.  Mercy and grace are extended to the humble heart.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your incredible mercy.  You are holy and perfect, and you require moral perfection, which I have ruined.  Thank you for your mercy and grace through the Lord Jesus Christ, who paid my death penalty.  I want to live for you - totally and completely.  You love me so much; may I share that love with people around the world.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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