Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Word of God

Lamentations 5; 2 Kings 25:22-26; Jeremiah 40:1-42:22

Tomorrow in our Bible Life group at church, we will be studying the truth that "the Bible is God's Word."  Here in this text is an example of the incredible value of God's Word - a communication of His plan, His heart, His promise.

Political turbulence following the Babylonian capture of Jerusalem incited many to consider moving to Egypt. Before leaving they asked Jeremiah to pray to Yahweh, and they promised that they would obey whatever Yahweh told them.

Ten days later, the Word of the Lord came.  What an amazing treasure - to actually "hear" from God!  Well, we have a collection of His communication with humanity, and most of us (especially Americans) ignore it.

Heavenly Father, you are the most supreme being!  Thank you for communicating to us, your creation.  Lord, please show me the value of your Word.  May your words be my joy and my delight, and may I hide them in my heart that I may live according to your Holy Word.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God.  Amen.

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