Monday, July 6, 2009

Boston summary

Matthew 6, Acts 6

I think the most valuable aspect of this trip was for me to get a wider perspective of the Body of Christ by interacting with dear Brothers and Sisters of an entirely different language and culture.

I learned a lot about working with children this week - mainly that consistent, balanced discipline is appropriate and effective.  But the fundamental basis of discipline must be love, and that love must be communicated through words, body language, and quality time.  It was amazing to see how the children we watched for only a couple of days came to love and appreciate us.

I am impressed with three distinct theological developments from this week. 

A.  On Friday night after the parents picked up all of their children, Brandi and I went to a concert (already in progress) for the youth.  When we arrived, the band wasn't playing, and the lead singer was preaching.  He read an article that described the pain, darkness, and eternal futility that a person will experience in hell.  As he described their agony and screaming, I was reminded of the intensity of the piercing cry of one of the children I held as we waited for his mother to return.  In a split second, the image of some of my coworkers screaming with that intensity drove me to consider how I must do everything in my power to lead them to the loving salvation of Jesus Christ.

B.  On Friday and Saturday afternoon, I was able to hear the translation of Dr. Ashraf Azmy's wonderful teaching on the subject of Pain and Suffering.  The five subtopics were:
  1. the origin of pain and suffering (Gen. 3)
  2. the end of pain and suffering (Rev. 20-22)
  3. the suffering of the righteous (Job)
  4. the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man
  5. the suffering of Christ
Pain and suffering are perhaps the most efficient instruments in our sanctification, and they are in fact, a wedge between our flesh and spirit.

C.  On Sunday evening, Samy (the director of the conference) invited our team and the other conference leaders/administrators to his home for dinner and fellowship.  Not only was the authentic Arabic food delicious, but the fellowship was so sweet.  I had the chance to visit with one of the Arabic Brothers about what the Lord had revealed to him during the conference.  He shared with me that the most impressive teaching was regarding the river in Ezekiel 47:3-5.  He related that our experience with the Lord is analagous to the progression in the river.  When we first begin our walk with the Lord, we are only ankle deep, which symbolizes our learning the Christian behaviour.  As we grow deeper, we come to the knees, which represents our growth in prayer.  As we progress, we are drawn to service according the Holy Spirit's gifting, which is symbolized by the waist.  But of course, as the scripture indicates, their is no limit to the depth we can go - only we must loose our footing and be totally immersed in Christ.  All that shows is the head, which resembles the very head of Christ!

Heavenly Father, Oh that I may go deeper with you!  Lord, please take me deeper still!  I know that I need to grow so much in the discipline of prayer; please help me.  Father, may I faithfully trust your Divine care and sovereignty, especially related to my experience of the suffering of Christ.  Lord, you are so good. Thank you for allowing me to participate in this conference.  Lord, please bless the Arabic speaking Brothers, and grow their ministry.  Father, please anoint us fresh with the Holy Spirit to worship you and serve you as you accomplish your will.  I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Halelujah!

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