Wednesday, June 27, 2007

wise wife and follow up from yesterday

As I was reading Proverbs 27:14 this morning, I was reminded of a personal anecdote.  My wife and I were on vacation with some friends, and I suggested that we tell someone "good morning," but it was pretty early.  My wife quoted verse 14, and we both laughed and went on our way.  As I recalled this circumstance, I was impressed that my wife spoke a wise word specific to our situation ( Proverbs 25:11), and I began to thank God for giving me such a wonderful wife who seeks the Lord, reads the Bible, and allows Him to make her wise.
Wouldn't you know it?  The very next verses:  Proverbs 27:15-16.  How funny!  I began to pray and thank God that He did not give me a nagging wife, but a loving, supportive, and sacrificial wife.
In my blog yesterday, I prayed that the Lord would guide me even when I don't "feel" His presence.  Well, it was "coincidentally" tested yesterday - only a few hours after I prayed that prayer.  This past November, I applied for a fellowship from EPA and submitted the application online to a separate governmental website (per instructions from EPA).  I discovered yesterday, that what I failed to notice was that I was supposed to be anticipating a special email from EPA within thirty days of my submittal, and that if I didn't receive this confirmation email, then I was supposed to contact them about my application.  Well, I didn't notice that I didn't get the email, so I didn't know to alert them, so they didn't review my application.  Therefore, ergo, hence, I didn't get a financial award, let alone a rejection letter.
When I found out, I sat there stunned for a few seconds (mainly because I think it is absolutely absurd (and simultaneously archetypal) that two government organizations can't execute a very simple communication of data.  But, above that, I simply must trust God that He is in control, and that it was His will that I not receive this fellowship.  " The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away."  And I would add, "and the Lord chooses not to give in the first place."  I must believe that God cares more about my long-term sanctification than my immediate satisfaction - He allowed it to happen for a purpose, and He will work through every circumstance in my life for His good will.
Heavenly Father, thank you for a wonderful wife.  I ask that you will continue to plant your Word in her heart and use it to sanctify each of us and our marriage.  Lord, thank you that you are in control.  Please help me not be anxious, but by prayer and petition present my requests before you and receive your peace that passes all understanding.  I pray this in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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