Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Psalm 119:54-64, Proverbs 6

 57 Lord, you are mine!
      I promise to obey your words!

This statement is pretty bold.  I could understand the opposite statement, "Lord, I am yours.", because everything is His.  When I first read this, I thought it was pretty audacious for a person to say that he owns God.  Another translation renders it, "Jehovah is my portion."  So, I think the psalmist is saying, "Yahweh, the Covenant-keeping, Self-existing One, you are the only thing that I will really inherit.  You are the only thing worth striving for and receiving.  Therefore, I will obey your words so that I may gain more of you."  I think it is like this scripture:

Phil. 3 8 Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ 9 and become one with him.

Heavenly Father, you are so wonderful.  You are the true treasure.  All of the things in this world are actually nothing compared to you; please help me see the reality and not be deceived by the glamor of the world.  Lord, please give me a simple and pure devotion to you.  Please help me follow you with single-minded obedience so that I may gain more of you.  I love you, Lord.  I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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