Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Well, it's really lame that the Israelites go through this tragic cycle of
  1. prosperity,
  2. apathy,
  3. rebellion,
  4. pain,
  5. remorse/repentance,
  6. deliverance,
but it is so true to my own life (and we get some fantastic stories of bold judges). 
What does it take to prevent digressing from Stage 1 to Stage 2?  The answer is... Stage 4.  I think that's why the LORD allows us to experience trials and tribulations of many kinds, so that our faith will grow.  It's a bittersweet - bitter for the flesh, sweet for the spirit.
The goal is not to ride the violent prosperity/pain roller coaster (vomiting from the oscillating acceleration/deceleration), but rather to stay in a constant state of spiritual flux - a dynamic equilibrium between humble submission to testing and jubilant celebration of the LORD's sovereign salvation.
Heavenly Father, please help me follow you closely.  Lord, I do not want to oscillate between abiding and denying; I just want to abide.  Lord, please bless me and give me strength to endure the testing.  I trust you to bring me through anything by your grace.  Lead me to a closer walk with you; I want to experience your presence in my life.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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