Tuesday, April 22, 2008

lostness and patience

2 Samuel 22 is almost identical to Psalm 18, so it was refreshing to read it "again".  It really encourages me to live all out for Christ - hold nothing back.  I am thinking that I am going to "kick it up a notch" in our Bible Life group; I am going to be honest with our group about how I want to pursue the Lord with all I have, and if anyone wants that, they are welcome to join me, but I will hold them accountable.  Accountable not to a bunch of worthless works, but to an attitude of the heart - to seek Him with all I am.  The natural result of which is the Holy Spirit producing fruit in me - a consequence of abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ.
From Psalm 53:
 1 The fool says in his heart,
       "There is no God."
       They are corrupt, and their ways are vile;
       there is no one who does good.
 2 God looks down from heaven
       on the sons of men
       to see if there are any who understand,
       any who seek God.
 3 Everyone has turned away,
       they have together become corrupt;
       there is no one who does good,
       not even one.
It is by His mercy and grace that He imputes the righteousness of His Son so that we may no longer be enemies of the Holy One, but instead sons and daughters.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace; thank you for sparing me the death penalty and giving me life in Jesus Christ.  Lord, I pray that I would give you my life in loving gratitude.  Lord, I want to abide in you, that you will produce your fruit in this branch, that you would give the victory over my enemy Satan who wishes to destroy me.  I beg you to defeat him in my life.  Lord, keep me from falling.  I trust in you with my whole life.  I ask you to redeem me from destruction.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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