Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I've been running on low sleep for about two months, and I think I'm about to crash if I don't get some good sleep.  It's easy for that physical exhaustion to start creeping in on my spiritual health.  I thought about sleeping in this morning, but I decided not to because I didn't want to miss our men's prayer breakfast.  One of the guys prayed for me this morning, and as he prayed that God would give me strength and energy, I genuinely felt uplifted.
As I read about David dancing before the Lord as the Ark was returned,  I realized a couple of things.
  1. I need to dance and sing before the Lord.  It's one thing to sing at church with other Believers, but it's another thing to praise and celebrate Him individually.  I realize that I need to do that - humbly and genuinely praising Him, even if I look silly to other people: unashamedly worshiping my Savior.
  2. The Enemy will use people to accuse us, and he will try to incite jealousy and spite, especially in the marriage relationship (e.g., Michal despising David for dancing before the Lord like a common man).
The song that David gave in 1 Chronicles 16 and Psalm 15 really spoke to me this morning.  I will meditate on these passages today.  I can feel them feeding my spirit and shaping my soul.
Heavenly Father, thank you for ministering to me this morning.  Thank you for caring about me and giving me your Word which is always true and relevant to my life.  Thank you for Christian Brothers who will pray for me.  Thank you for my understanding and compassionate wife who loves me and cares about me.  Lord, I want to honor you like David did.  I want to love you and praise you so much that I don't care what other people think.  Lord, I pray that you will protect my marriage from Satan's attacks; may we be united in our faith and obedience to you.  Lord God, I pray that you will make me a holy man, a pure man that is in close fellowship with you.  I want to know what you think and feel; I want to obey you.  I want to have a clear picture of who I am and how I fit into your will.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Redeemer.  Amen.

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