Wednesday, April 9, 2008

objective and subjective

2:1 ... "My heart rejoices in the Lord!
      The Lord has made me strong.
   Now I have an answer for my enemies;
      I rejoice because you rescued me.
 2 No one is holy like the Lord!
      There is no one besides you;
      there is no Rock like our God.
113:1 Praise the Lord
      Yes, give praise, O servants of the Lord.
      Praise the name of the Lord!
 2 Blessed be the name of the Lord
      now and forever.
These verses really impacted me this morning.  I desire to praise Him, but I don't really know what that means.  Sure, I can say, "Praise the Lord.  Hallelujah!" or "Praise Jesus!", but is that really praising Him?
I want to love Him more.  I asked a Brother yesterday, "How do I love Him more?"  He replied, "To love Him, you must know Him, and you get to know Him by reading His Word."  That is one aspect.  The other aspect is through experience.  Once we know Who He is and sort of have an idea of what He wants, then we are able to interact with Him through Faith.
14:19 Then the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him. ...
That's what I want!  I want to know Him by reading His Word - that objective truth of reality.  But how about the subjective nature of experience. Yes, I also want to experience the power of the Holy Spirit working through me to accomplish His good plan!
Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word that teaches me truth and reveals Who you are.  Lord, I pray that by faith in Jesus Christ, your Holy Spirit will come upon me in power and operate through me to glorify yourself.  Lord, I pray that you will give me the victory today because I ask in faith in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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