Friday, April 2, 2010

fatal attraction

Judges 16-18

As I read the story of Samson and Delilah, I was initially amazed at his incredible stupidity.  How could he even continue his relationship with her after she asked him how to defeat him, and then attempted to defeat him?!

But then I realized that his rational thinking skills were impaired by his attraction and her deceit.  And then I wondered, how many things are in my life that I think are fine and enjoyable but are really instruments of deception used by the Enemy to slowly destroy me?  How about lust?  Or how about enjoying a little alcohol every now and then?  Or how about that television show that I like because "it has a good story" but doesn't really honor God?  These things are all like Chinese finger traps - you keep getting pulled in further and further, but you just can't seem to back out.

And then - boom!  You wake up and realize that you have drifted so far from the Lord, and you are in a world of hurt.  Such a gradual slope down that you didn't realize how far you'd gone or how you'd really lost control a long time ago, but you didn't realize it until the wreck.

Heavenly Father, please deliver me from the Enemy's deceptive attractions.  Lord, please open my eyes to see the traps of the world, and I pray that I will be so in love with you and drawn to you that I will continue the climb upward - and joyfully!  May your name be praised, and may my life be an example of your goodness so that others will see and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice, which delivered me from sin and death.  I pray that I will continue to appreciate your sacrifice more and more.  Holy Spirit, please give me opportunity to share the Love of God with someone today.  I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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