Friday, April 16, 2010

wasted potential

1 Samuel 30-31

It is sad to see such a tragic end to Saul's life.  He had so much potential.  But he was too focused on the flesh, and not focused on the Spirit.

As I was visiting with my friend Eric yesterday about John 12-13, he caught that 12:24 and 13:34-35 were very significant.  He asked, "If Christians believe that the afterlife is forever, and that what happens in this life is so brief compared to eternity, shouldn't all of the Christians be giving away all of their resources beyond what is required for living?"  Indeed, but we are too focused on the flesh and temporary things.

Heavenly Father, please open the eyes of my heart Lord.  Please let me see you.  Let me see you high and lifted up, and shining in your glory.  Lord, if I could just catch a glimpse of you, I would be forever changed.  And I would stop worrying about the inconsequential details of this life, but focus instead on spiritual matters of eternity.  Oh Lord, please soften my heart toward you and your will, and harden my heart against evil.  May your name be praised through my life today, and may I be a living example of Christ - a demonstration of the seed that dies to bear much fruit.  I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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